, Jakarta Penertiban terhadap angkutan kota yang menggunakan kaca film dengan ketebalan melebihi ketentuan kembali dilakukan Dinas Perhubungan DKI Jakarta di sejumlah tempat, Senin (19/9/11). Razia dilakukan setelah terjadi beberapa kasus pemerkosaan di dalam angkutan kota.
Di Terminal Tanjung Priok, mobil yang menggunakan kaca film melebihi 30 persen langsung dilepas oleh petugas. Petugas juga menemukan angkot yang memasang kaca film hampir 100 persen.
Sejumlah pengemudi angkot mengatakan, mereka tidak mengetahui ketentuan batas kaca film yang diperbolehkan. Para supir mengaku, bukan mereka yang menginginkan pemasangan kaca film, melainkan pemilik angkot.
Di Terminal Kalideres, puluhan angkutan umum yang menggunakan kaca film dengan ketebalan di atas 30 persen juga langsung dicopot di tempat. Sementara di Terminal Kampung Rambutan, petugas belum memberikan sanksi kepada para pengemudi, kecuali hanya melepas kaca film. Jika dalam beberapa hari ke depan masih melanggar, maka mereka akan ditilang.(SHA).
I think what is done by the Transportation Agency officials have been true, because it is a lot of public transportation that uses a glass film with a thickness of more. Maybe by the owner of this city transportation is done to avoid the heat of the sun, but now it is beingcrowded in talking about rape in urban transportation that does not appear if the window film used is very thick. So does the role of government is needed to curb public transportation that do not comply with the rules in renovating his car.
But other than passenger transport itself the role of government must remain vigilantbecause now there are many crimes committed in public transport. Not only theft but onlyup to sexual harassment, and usually the victims are women.
Possible for women if you want to use public transport services must be vigilant. Avoid use goods - goods that flashy, like excessive jewelry, and also avoid using the clothes thatinvite male lust just use proper clothing. May choose to be carrying any freight could toavoid evil. Take public transportation that do not use window film, so if anything happens topeople - people from outside the public transportation can clearly see what happens. We recommend that if it could be a woman sitting behind the driver, in order to immediatelyget out if something unexpected happens.
For employers there may be a good public transportation public transportation that will operate not use window film that is too thick, because window film can only be seen from one direction only, ie only from the car and to avoid evil is often the case anyway. That will give you a sense of security and comfort also for users of the city's transport services.
NPM : 18110775
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